With major construction nearing completion, we are now awaiting delivery of furniture and shelving. We anticipate being able to resume using the room in late September!
With major construction nearing completion, we are now awaiting delivery of furniture and shelving. We anticipate being able to resume using the room in late September!
Join us Sunday, August 14th (rain date Sunday, August 21st) for Clark Memorial Library’s third Annual Public Art Exhibit!
The theme of this year’s show is “Off the Beaten Path.” As we continue to navigate these challenging times, what roads do we take towards the future? What paths do we forge ahead through our creative responses to the world?
This outdoor exhibit will feature paintings, sculptures, drawings, and site-specific installations by local artists. Artwork will be located throughout the front garden and the back lawn, with entry by our lush Pollinator Pathway walk-through; parking will be available at the Bethany First Church of Christ and Bethany Historical Society.
Free art-making activities will be available for visitors of all ages!
Every time you read a book this summer, whether it’s for the Governor’s Summer Reading Challenge, a school assignment, or just for fun, you can add a footprint to our footprint path! We’ve already made it all the way around the first bookshelf in the children’s section; how much further do you think we can get the path to reach?
Come take part in the Summer Storywalk! Each of the six stands in the library’s front yard has a different summer-themed riddle on it for you to solve; once you’ve thought it over, you can look behind the stand or scan the QR code on the upper right to check your answer. Enjoy the summer foliage and renovated sitting area while you’re here!
Join us at 10:00 AM every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for a drop-in story time! For children ages 2-5.
Drop in and join Miss Dorothy at the craft table every Saturday afternoon – a new summer craft to do every week!