Category Archives: Arts@Clark

Updates on anything involving or sponsored by Arts@Clark.

An artist reception will be held on November 16th, 3:00 – 4:30 PM for the local artist featured in our Arts@Clark! exhibits for October and November, Roberta Scott. Her work will be shown in the Community Room and the downstairs display cabinets from Tuesday, October 8th, until Friday, December 6th.

Roberta is, in her own words, “a maker of fine art and not so fine art.”
She grew up in the Four Corners area of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, on and off the Navajo reservation and military bases. After high school, she went to work for the Forest Service, served 5 years in the Navy working as an aviation mechanic, and worked locally at Sikorsky Aircraft. She received a BFA in Sculpture at Lyme Academy College of Fine Arts, a college of the University of New Haven, and is currently a technical writer for Sikorsky, a mother, and a “fair weather artist.”

An artist reception will be held on August 24th, 3:00 – 4:30 PM for the local artist featured in our Arts@Clark! exhibits for August and September, Kim Ahrens. Her work will be shown in the Community Room and the downstairs display cabinets from Saturday, August 3rd, until Thursday, October 3rd.

Kim is a Bethany resident whose favorite subjects include landscapes, chickens and other animals, and flowers, mostly painted in watercolor or acrylic. She paints almost daily in her studio, and hopes her creativity is an inspiration to all who see her work.
Stop in during Library hours to take a look!

Clark Memorial Library is proud to host the works of the Bethany “Art Gang”, a group of friends who meet each Thursday at the Town Hall to create and experiment with artistic techniques. The “Art Gang” is sponsored by Bethany Senior Services and led by local artist Mary Lou Narowski; it began as a weekly hour-long watercolor class, but soon branched out into a wide variety of techniques and now normally runs for at least two hours. For more information, contact Robin Glowa, Director of Bethany Senior Services, at 203-393-2100 x1124. The Gang’s art is being displayed upstairs, on the table to the left of the checkout desk and the shelves across from it. Be sure to stop by during Library hours to take a look!

Some of the Gang’s work will also be part of our 5th Annual Public Art Exhibit, which will take place on July 28th, 1:00-5:00 PM. Save the date!

The Arts@Clark! Fifth Annual Public Art Exhibit will take place on Sunday, July 28, from 1:00 – 5:00 PM!

Parking will be available at the Bethany Historical Society (512 Amity Road) and the First Church of Christ Congregational Church (511 Amity Road).
This event is our gift to the community: it is free to all participants – artists, would-be artists, and those who are simply looking to enjoy, renew, and relax on a beautiful summer afternoon. Twenty-six local artists will have their artwork on display on the library grounds – with a wide variety of styles and mediums, ranging from paintings and drawings to needlework and sculpture! There will be live music provided by local musicians, a bake sale sponsored by the Friends of the Library, a display showcasing our newly expanded collection of art books, and even “plein air” art activities for visitors to try out the creative process for themselves!

In celebration of the upcoming Arts@Clark Fifth Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit – which will take place on July 28th, 1:00 to 5:00 PM – our displays for this month will feature books about artists of all kinds, their works, and the process of making art in general. Take the chance to learn about the people who bring so much wonder and color into all of our lives, and make sure to mark the Outdoor Art Exhibit on your calendar so you can meet the artists in our community in person!

Adventure Begins At Your Library!
Coming Up In July:

Special Events
Dragon Eye Adventure – July 18, 3:00–5:00 PM (sign-up required)
5th Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit – July 28, 1:00–5:00 PM

Ongoing Programs
Read & Bead – All Month, During Library Hours
Adult Reading Raffle – All Month, During Library Hours
Drop-In Makerspace Activities – All Month, During Library Hours
Tween Nutmeg Book Club – July 11, 5:45–6:30 PM
Silent Book Club – July 9, 2:00–3:30 PM
Wednesday Morning Storytimes – Wednesdays, 10:30–11:30 AM
BCS Lego Club – Wednesdays, 2:00–4:00 PM
Warm Up America Community Service Project – Thursdays, 3:00–5:00 PM
Thursday Game Nights – Thursdays, 3:30–6:30 PM

For more information, see our Calendar of Events!

Adventure Begins At Your Library!
Coming Up In June:

Special Events
Summer Reading Kickoff – June 8, During Library Hours
What’s the Buzz: Pollinator Presentation – June 8, 2:00–2:30 PM
Karen Cebula Artist Reception – June 15, 2:00–3:30 PM
Campfire Storytime – June 20, 5:30–6:30 PM

Ongoing Programs
Read & Bead – All Month, During Library Hours
Adult Reading Raffle – All Month, During Library Hours
Drop-In Makerspace Activities – All Month, During Library Hours
Tween Nutmeg Book Club – June 13 & 27, 5:45–6:30 PM
Silent Book Club – June 11, 2:00–3:30 PM
Wednesday Morning Storytimes – Wednesdays, 10:30–11:30 AM
BCS Lego Club – Wednesdays, 2:00–4:00 PM
Warm Up America Community Service Project – Thursdays, 3:00–5:00 PM
Thursday Game Nights – Thursdays, 3:30–6:30 PM

For more information, see our Calendar of Events!

The application deadline for the 5th Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit is June 15th!

If you are interested in taking part in this special event, you can find the Call for Artists, application forms, instructions, and exhibit information on the Arts@Clark! page of the Library’s website. Applications should be sent to

An artist reception will be held on June 15th, 2:00 – 3:30 PM for the local artists featured in our Arts@Clark! exhibits for June and July, Karen & Tom Cebula.

Karen, a Northford artist, studied art at Southern CT State University and taught art at public schools for 25 years. Now retired, she focuses on painting with acrylics and is inspired by nature: “I am moved by the light, the color and the texture the feel of the place.” Her work will be on display in the Community Room.

Wooden carvings made by Karen’s husband Tom will be on display in the downstairs display cabinets. Early in life, Tom chanced upon a display of decoys carved by famous carvers. He was inspired to try his hand at carving and enrolled in workshops with Connecticut woodcarvers Joe Cieslowski and Frank Swiatek to develop skills from knowledgeable instructors. Tom has focused on letter carving signs, as well as three dimensional animals such as fish, birds, and decoys.

Be sure to stop by during Library hours and take a look at both of their work!