A Community Asset Since 1937
For 87 years, Clark Memorial Library has grown to meet the needs of the Bethany community. From the commitment of our original founders (like-minded citizens who felt it was important to have a library) to our current all-volunteer board and our dedicated staff, the Library has provided a welcoming environment for reading, socializing and cultural activities. The ongoing support of our patrons and benefactors allows us to continue to grow; as an Association Library, we are a non-profit that depends on the generosity of our community. Your donations are put to work immediately to support ongoing library services, from updating our physical collection and providing access to a range of digital resources to running our Makerspace, seasonal programming, and art displays!
Each year starting in fall, the Bethany Library Association raises funds to support ongoing library services in the Annual Drive. Download an Annual Drive Pledge Card to make a donation via check, or contribute via PayPal, debit, or credit card on our website. Names provided on Pledge Cards will appear in the Library’s gratitude report unless otherwise noted.
Clark Memorial Library is recognized as a non-profit 501(C)(3) and donors may deduct gifts and bequests to the Bethany Library Association as directed by the tax code.