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There will be a pause in Clark Memorial Library’s children’s programming
from Tuesday May 16 through Wednesday May 31,
to give the staff time to prepare for our summer activities and programs.
Programming will resume on June 1.
The Library will continue to provide all other services during this period.
Keep an eye on the event calendar!

Arts@Clark! Presents:
James Vanderberg art exhibit continues through May!
Clark Memorial Library,

Have you seen the art exhibit in the Library’s Community Room? Throughout April and May, the exhibit features the work of local artist James Vanderberg. James moved to Bethany with his family in July of 2019 from Brooklyn, New York; he has taught Studio Art and Art History, and is currently the Educator for High School, University, and Community Engagement at the Yale Center for British Art. His art has also been featured in our past Annual Public Art Exhibits!

You can stop by any time during Library hours to visit the art exhibit. The Community Room is at the end of the right-hand hallway off of the Library’s side entrance.

A picture of James Vanderberg with some of his paintings.

Clark Memorial Library will be participating in the annual Great Give event on Wednesday May 3rd and Thursday May 4th. The Great Give is a 36-hour online fundraising event created by The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven in 2010, and unites donors with nonprofits serving Greater New Haven in a fun and engaging way. It raises money and awareness for many causes important to our region, with valuable matching funds and prizes from The Community Foundation, the Valley Community Foundation and other generous sponsors. Please visit the Bethany Library Association’s donation page on the Great Give website during the event to support Clark Memorial Library with a donation – any amount helps!

Launch Your Rocket:
Create your own air-powered rocket ship!
Saturday, May 6th, from 12:30 to 4:30 PM
While supplies last.

In honor of National Space Day, the Library will be hosting a special arts and crafts project in our Makerspace on May 6th. Children will create and color a paper rocket ship that can be “launched” by blowing into a straw.

The materials for this Grab-And-Go Craft will be available on the curbside pickup table in the Library’s foyer while supplies last – for the instructions, visit creativebug, sign in or create an account using your library card number (on the back of your library card), and type “Yarn Birds” into the search bar. They should be the first result!

National Library Week is an annual event sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries of all kinds – school, public, academic, and specialty – all across the country. It is a time to celebrate the contributions of libraries and librarians to the communities they serve and to promote library use and support.

This year’s theme is “There’s More to the Story” – a reminder that the Library offers a lot more than just print books! We can provide resources like audiobooks, digital media, DVDs, puzzles, museum passes, meeting and study space, technology access and assistance, a variety of programs and activities, and more. But books are still a big part of what the Library is, and we’ve been bringing in all sorts of new material. Most of it can be found on our New Books display, to the right of the public computers upstairs. If there’s something you’d like to see in the Library’s collection but don’t right now, please fill out one of our book request forms (available at the Library) to let us know!

Bethany Rid Litter Day 2023
Many hands can accomplish amazing things
For info email

Rid Litter Day is an annual event meant to foster community involvement in cleaning up Bethany. This year it will take place on April 22, from 9AM – 12PM.
You can sign up to participate on; please commit to a road/neighborhood (as individuals or as a group) on the signup sheet. For more information, please email Gloves and bags will be available for pickup at the Library on Friday, April 21, 5:30 – 7:30 PM.