Category Archives: Events

Updates about one-time events.

The art teachers of Amity High School and Bethany and Orange Middle Schools
have organized an exhibit of student artwork in the Community Room from
Saturday, February 3 to Thursday, April 4. Stop in any time during Library hours!

An artist reception will take place on Tuesday, March 5, from 3:30 – 5:30 PM.

The Friends of the Library are very grateful to the Bethany community for all the support they have provided to their various fundraising events.

On Tuesday, February 13, starting at 7:00 PM, the Friends will be sponsoring a special Paint and Sip event. Local artist Zach Chernak will guide participants through painting a special Valentine’s picture; there will be wine, cheese and crackers as refreshments.

The event is free, but space is limited;
please sign up at the Library, or call 203-393-2103.

With the renovation of the Children’s Room at Clark Memorial Library finally complete, we are proud to announce its dedication as the Nancy J. Disbrow Children’s Room,
in honor of Nancy Disbrow, one of our most dedicated longtime supporters.

The dedication ceremony will take place Saturday, February 3rd at 1:30 PM,
as part of our Take Your Child to the Library Day celebration. Please join us in thanking Nancy for her contributions to the Library’s success!

Nancy is a lifelong Bethany resident and a second generation librarian. Her mother served as Head Librarian for Clark Memorial Library in the 1950s and 60s, and Nancy often rode the bus to the Library after school, rather than to her home. She has fond memories of reading near the upstairs fireplace in the original Library structure.

Nancy worked professionally as a public and school librarian in New Haven, and then joined the faculty of Southern Connecticut State University and spent many years training new librarians. She retired in 2013 as an Associate Professor Emeritus.

Her connections to Clark Memorial Library continued throughout her adult life; she served for many years as a BLA board member, and continues to be an active member and officer of the Friends of the Library. She is a founding member of the 1937 Legacy Society, with a substantial contribution to its endowment. Most recently, she has donated her collection of professional children’s literature books to the Library, and been instrumental in fundraising for the Children’s Room renovation.

Take Your Child to the Library Day Celebration!
February 1st – February 3rd
We want to thank the many donors who made the Children’s Room renovation possible, and invite all of Bethany to enjoy the new space and honor our shared commitment to having a strong public library in Bethany!
The following activities and events will take place during the three day celebration:

Thursday, February 1st – 12:00 – 6:00 PM
Decorate a Cupcake
Cut a Ribbon for the Ribbon Tree
Award Book Basket Raffle
1000 Books Before Kindergarten Sign Up

Friday, February 2nd – 12:00 – 5:00 PM
Decorate a Cupcake
Cut a Ribbon for the Ribbon Tree
Award Book Basket Raffle
1000 Books Before Kindergarten Sign Up

Saturday, February 3rd – 10:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Decorate a Cupcake
Cut a Ribbon for the Ribbon Tree
Award Book Basket Raffle
1000 Books Before Kindergarten Sign Up
Dedication of the Nancy J. Disbrow Children’s Room – 1:30 PM
Visit from Ali the Balloon Guy2:00 – 4:00 PM

The Library’s featured artist for November, Phoebe Barron, is one of 73 artists whose artworks are showcased in HMVC Gallery New York’s Vibrant Visions Virtual Group Exhibition, a digital art show running from November 1st to November 30th. You can visit the HMVC website to see her piece Maze displayed in a virtual art gallery along with the works of the other artists, or see it in person in the Library’s Community Room as part of her “Lines, Angles, and Reflections in Architecture” display!

Phoebe with another of her pieces, Reflected Tree

The staff of Clark Memorial Library wishes all of our patrons a safe and happy Halloween night, whether you’re planning to celebrate today or already got your trick-or-treating in over the weekend!

Special thanks to local quilting artist Wendy Frieden for donating an original quilt to decorate our new Children’s Room. We will celebrate the addition of the “Kaleidoscope Quilt” with a kaleidoscope themed Arts@Clark! Makerspace activity on Saturday October 7th, from 1:00 to 4:00 PM.

Clark Memorial Library will be closed Wednesday, September 6th for cleaning and repairs, and close at 2:00 PM Saturday, September 9th for a private event.

We will open at 10:00 AM on September 7th and 12th as usual.