Category Archives: Events

Updates about one-time events.

Families with young children are invited to join Mrs. Perkins, a Montessori Guide from Willow Tree Montessori, for a storytime session! During this read-aloud, Willow Tree hopes to share the love of language with rich vocabulary through stories, songs and poems. Drop in starting at 10:30 AM, Saturday April 5.

Call for Artists!

Arts@Clark! and Clark Memorial Library are proud to present

The Sixth Annual Public Art Exhibit
Spellbound: Art, Poetry, and the Enchantment of Reading

Join us on Sunday, August 3rd for our Sixth Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit.
This year, we are welcoming poets and writers to share their artistic voices!
Display your art, read poetry, demonstrate your process, and engage receptive audiences from the Bethany community. This “plein air” experience is in the tradition of our famous Connecticut art colonies. Enjoy sharing your passion and having conversations that engage and support local arts. This event is our gift to the community and is free to all participants – artists, would-be artists, and those who are simply looking to enjoy, renew and refresh on a beautiful summer afternoon.

Artists, poets, and authors working in all formats and mediums are encouraged to apply. Application Instructions and Exhibit Information can be found on the Arts@Clark! page of the Library website, under the Community tab on the homepage.

Application Deadline: June 20.

Paint and Sip with the Friends of the Library!
Thursday, April 10, 7:00 – 9:00 PM

Mark your calendars for another Paint and Sip event organized by the Friends of the Library. Local artist Zach Chernak will guide participants through painting a special spring picture; there will be wine, cheese and crackers as refreshments.

Space is limited and registration is required.
Cost is $20.00 per person and may be paid at the door.
Call the Library at (203) 393-2103 to register!

Clark Memorial Library is excited to begin offering 3D printing services in 2025!

There will be a trial period in March while we establish policies and procedures – during which we invite patrons to take part in one of our 3D Printer Orientations, where they’ll learn about the Library’s 3D printing resources and how to use the printer and its associated software! Patrons will not be charged for prints made during the trial period.

Space is limited, so please call the Library at (203) 393-2103 or speak to a librarian in person to sign up. There will be an orientation on Tuesday, March 11, 4:30-5:00 PM, and on Saturday, March 15, 11:00-11:30 PM. It’s only necessary to attend one of the orientations; we will be covering the same information in both.

Coming up next month, it’s March Mad Science!
These three STEM activities are for ages 8 and up.
Space is limited, and sign ups are required. Join us for one activity or all three –
call the Library at (203) 393-2103 or ask a librarian to sign up.

Popsicle Stick Catapult – March 1st, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Learn how energy can be stored and transferred in this exciting STEM activity! Build a catapult out of popsicle sticks and see how far you can make a pom-pom fly.

Alkaseltzer Lava Lamp – March 5th, 4:00 – 5:00 PM
Experience a chemical reaction right before your eyes! Build a lava lamp using only a few safe household materials and ingredients and see chemistry in action.

Magnetic Slime – March 15th, 1:00 – 2:00 PM
Explore the invisible world of magnetism! Come to the Library and mix up your own batch of magnetic slime!

The art teachers of Amity High School and Bethany and Orange Middle Schools are collaborating with Arts@Clark! to display student artwork at the Library during February and March. Stop in any time during Library hours to see the work of a new generation of artists in the glass art displays and the Community Room!

A reception will take place on Thursday, March 6, from 4:00 – 6:00 PM in the Community Room.

Over the last several weeks Clark Memorial Library has collaborated with Bethany Historical Society and Bethany residents to create “A Historical Walk Through Bethany”, a photo exhibit highlighting the transitions of Bethany’s iconic people, places, and events through the years. Thank you to everyone who provided photos! The exhibit will be on display in the Library’s Community Room throughout January, and there will be a reception with light refreshments on Saturday, January 18th, from 1:00-2:00 PM. While you’re here, be sure to check out the Three Sisters Boundary Stone (on display in the hallway outside the Community Room) as well!

The Library will close at 3:00 PM on Tuesday, December 31st, and be closed Wednesday, January 1st for New Year’s Day; we will open at 10:30 AM as usual on Thursday, January 2nd. Happy New Year to all of our patrons, and thank you for making 2024 such a wonderful experience!

The Library will be closed Tuesday, December 24th & Wednesday, December 25th for Christmas, so make sure to pick up your holiday reads ahead of time. We will open at 10:30 AM as usual on Thursday, December 26th. Happy Holidays!