Monthly Archives: May 2024

Welcome to the Tween Nutmeg Book Club at Clark Memorial Library!
If you are between the ages of 9-13, we hope you can join us as we explore the 2025 Nutmeg Book Award Intermediate Nominees. Meetings will be held June 13, June 27, and July 11 from 5:45-6:30 PM in the Library. Read 1-2 books (or more!) from the list of ten and then share what you loved, hated, or need more of!
We will choose books at our first meeting, and discuss them at the second and third. Come to one or all three dates! For more information, contact the Library at (203) 393-2103.

Silent Book Club
2:00-3:30 PM on June 11, July 9, & August 13

We invite our adult patrons to join our community of readers in the Bethany chapter of the Silent Book Club! Take some time to read companionably in the comfort of Clark Memorial Library. This is a “bring your own book” activity – no assigned reading and no pressure. Come for refreshments and an hour of quiet to focus on your latest read. Afterwards you are welcome to chat and share titles, but the hour of reading time is strictly sweet silence.

Need a new book? Come a bit early to browse our shelves, and then dig in!

The Bethany Community School’s LEGO Club will be meeting at Clark Memorial Library again this summer! The program is open to patrons of all ages; drop-in from 2:00 to 4:00 PM on Wednesdays, starting June 5th. We have both LEGO and DUPLO blocks. Stop by and get creative!

The Library will be kicking off its Summer Reading Program on June 8th!

Young patrons can take part in our Read & Bead program, which will run throughout the summer during Library hours. Pick up a Read & Bead Chart in the Children’s Room and check off a box for each 20 minutes of reading you do over the summer. You’ll earn one bead or charm for each checked-off box on the chart – by the time summer is over, you’ll have an amazing personalized necklace celebrating your reading achievements!

The Library will also be providing Reading Journals for the CT Reads! Governor’s Summer Reading Challenge. You can count your summer reading time towards both the challenge and your Read & Bead Chart!

The growing season is in full swing! Garden Tomes are sprouting on the Library’s displays, featuring guides for gardeners and aspiring botanists, stories set in gardens and on farms, and protagonists who care for their local natural and green spaces.
Stop by and pick a few!

Don’t forget, there’s a permanent Horticulture and Gardening display upstairs, just outside of the Teens & Tweens area – and our nonfiction collection also includes a selection of books recommended by Sustainable Bethany.