Category Archives: Friends of the Library

Updates regarding the Friends of the Library and events they sponsor.

Arts@Clark! and Clark Memorial Library are proud to present the Fourth Annual Public Art Exhibit! The event will take place on Sunday, August 6th, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM, and is free to attend; parking will be available at the Bethany First Church of Christ (511 Amity Road) and Bethany Historical Society (512 Amity Road).

This free outdoor exhibit will feature works by local artists in painting, sculpture, drawing, quilts, pottery, site-specific installation and more on the Library grounds in scenic Bethany Connecticut. It is part of Clark Memorial Library’s summer programming and exemplifies its mission to Engage, Connect, and Grow.

This year’s theme of “All Together Now” celebrates how the arts create opportunities to connect and share the unique nature of Bethany in a lively, supportive outdoor experience. Join us as we come together for an afternoon of art exhibits, children’s activities, live music, and baked goods. We hope to see you there!

You can support Clark Memorial Library by taking part in the Friends of the Library Raffle & Silent Auction, which will be running through July 31! Stop by the table at the bottom of the main staircase to purchase raffle tickets. To the left of the table is a set of shelves where you can participate in the auction: just write your name and bid(s) on the yellow form paired with the item(s) you want.

All proceeds from both the raffle and the auction will support the Library’s
Pre-K – 12th Grade Summer Reading Program and Early Literacy Projects.

There are four special activities taking place this summer at Clark Memorial Library: the Friends of the Library’s Croquet Our Way event on June 17th, our Teddy Bear Tea children’s event on June 22nd, the All Together Now! House-Building Project in July, and the Fourth Annual Public Art Exhibit on August 6th.
Make sure to keep them all in mind as the summer continues, and check the Calendar of Events for ongoing programs and other local events, too!

Croquet Our Way
Saturday, June 17, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Join the Friends of the Library for croquet, snacks,
and a silent auction! $5 per individual – $15.00 per family

Teddy Bear Tea
Thursday, June 22, 3:00 – 4:00 PM
A tea party for children and their favorite stuffed animals!
Sign-ups required – space is limited.

All Together Now! House-Building Project
July 19-22 & 26-29
A special Makerspace program –
build a dream house and watch it become part of “Clarkville”!

Fourth Annual Public Art Exhibit
Sunday, August 6, 1:00 – 5:00 PM
A free community event celebrating the Bethany community
and local artists. This year’s theme is “All Together Now”

Croquet Our Way: a Bethany Event at Clark Memorial Library
538 Amity Road, Bethany, CT

Join the Friends of the Library and our local organization and business sponsors for a morning of fun, food, and fierce croquet competition in the Library garden.
Bid on items in our Silent Auction!

Saturday, June 17, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Children and Families – Croquet, snacks & juice
$5 per individual – $15.00 per family

Croquet attire encouraged, summer hats welcome!

Rain Date: Saturday, June 24

Proceeds earned through Croquet Our Way will support the Library’s Pre-K – 12th Grade Summer Reading Program and Early Literacy Projects.

The Friends Nook

The Friends of the Library have added a historical photo of Amity Road as it appeared in 1908 to the wall of the nook that will hold their resources once the Library’s renovations are complete. The road is made of dirt and there are fewer trees, but the hill leading up towards Christ Episcopal Church and the First Church of Christ is still recognizable; the building that now houses Clark Memorial Library (sans extension) was constructed in the open area on the left from 1936 into 1937.
Feel free to stop by and see the photo in person – and take the opportunity to grab a Friends of the Library membership application!

Friends of the Library

Special Thanks to the Friends of the Library

The Bethany Library Association thanks the Friends of the Library for providing funds that cover the cost of charging electric vehicles at the library charging station for the entire calendar year of 2022. 

The EV charging station installation was made possible by a generous grant from the Connecticut Clean Cities Coalition and is a part of the Library’s strategic plan focus on sustainability in community services.  We are grateful to the Friends for their support of the Library Board’s vision and far-reaching efforts to help provide clean energy access for the Bethany Community. 

For more information about the Friends or the charging station, please contact Gayle Bogel, Library Director at 203-393-2103 during library hours, or email

Buy a Brick – Sponsored by Friends of Clark Memorial Library

Every Brick Tells a Story

Help enhance our front
Reading Garden and contribute to the renovation of the Children’s Room.

Download order form here.

Your brick can be a part of the Library’s celebrated history.  Take advantage of this opportunity for a permanent and ongoing legacy, sponsored by the generous efforts of the Friends of the Library.

Honor friends, family members or pets, celebrate a special occasion, memorialize loved ones or celebrate a business or organization.

$100  –  4 X 8 Brick      $150  –   8 X 8 Brick

Please address questions to the Friends of Clark Memorial Library at friends@ or call the Friends at 203-393-3626.  Order forms are available on our curbside table or for download here.