Category Archives: Displays

Updates about decorative or temporary displays.

Have you seen our Sustainable Bethany display, located just outside of the Teens & Tweens area upstairs? Each of the books on display has been recommended by the Bethany Sustainability Association, the local branch of Sustainable CT.

Sustainable CT is a voluntary certification program that provides opportunities for grant funding to help communities promote economic well-being and enhance equity. Reviews of selected additions are posted on the bulletin board, providing both an overview of each book’s content and the reasoning behind its recommendation. Stop by and take a look!

Did You Know?

You can pick up and/or print your 2024 income tax forms at the Library!
Physical copies of Form 1040 and Form 1040-SR, as well as instructions on how to view, download, and print Connecticut income tax forms and other IRS publications, are available on the right-hand side of the table underneath the Library bulletin board. The Library’s public computers can be used to access forms that are only available digitally; we do not charge patrons printing fees for tax forms.

January is National Hobby Month, a time to celebrate your favorite hobbies and pastimes, and to try out new ones. Our book displays this month showcase all kinds of hobbies, from outdoor activities like swimming or hiking, to artsy projects like painting or knitting, as well as stories about characters having fun following their passions. Take a look – you could pick up a new hobby, or get back into an old one that you haven’t thought about in a while!

Over the last several weeks Clark Memorial Library has collaborated with Bethany Historical Society and Bethany residents to create “A Historical Walk Through Bethany”, a photo exhibit highlighting the transitions of Bethany’s iconic people, places, and events through the years. Thank you to everyone who provided photos! The exhibit will be on display in the Library’s Community Room throughout January, and there will be a reception with light refreshments on Saturday, January 18th, from 1:00-2:00 PM. While you’re here, be sure to check out the Three Sisters Boundary Stone (on display in the hallway outside the Community Room) as well!

It’s that time of year again… Our displays are filled with holiday- and winter-themed books – and this time there are even more to choose from, with three whole shelves in the Children’s Room featuring end-of-year reads. Stop by and grab a book to get you through the longest, chilliest nights of the season!

Arts@Clark! & The Bethany Land Trust are joining forces to bring you a fascinating historical display this winter! The boundary stone once used to mark the site where Bethany, Naugatuck, and Prospect meet will be on display in the Library’s first floor exhibit case during December and January. This ancient stone is engraved with dates and initials and was originally located at the top of a steep ravine marking where the three towns’ borders converge in the Bethany Land Trust’s Three Sisters Preserve.

A Historical Walk Through Bethany: 2nd Photo Scanning Day
December 10, 5:00 – 6:30 PM

The Library is hosting Photo Scanning Days in collaboration with the Bethany Historical Society to collect images for the upcoming “A Historical Walk Through Bethany” exhibit! Bethany residents are invited bring in photos that show everyday life in Bethany through the past decades. Members of the Historical Society in the downstairs Community Room will scan the photos to create digital copies for the exhibit and return the originals.

Photos can also be dropped off at the Library during our hours of operation, at the Town Clerk’s office, or at a Bethany Historical Society event; please bring them in an enclosed envelope labeled with your name and contact information so that they can be returned to you once they have been scanned.

For more information, contact Linda Wooster
at or 203-393-1832.

Add the things you’re thankful for to our Thanksgiving Tree!

The Thanksgiving Tree will be on display in the Friends of the Library nook at the bottom of the main staircase, along with paper leaves in a variety of colors and shapes, sharpies, and paperclip hooks. To take part, just write out something you’re thankful for on a leaf and hang it from one of the branches using a hook! We hope to have a beautiful display that showcases all the good things in our staff and patrons’ lives by the end of the season.

A Historical Walk Through Bethany: First Photo Scanning Day
November 23, 2:00 – 3:30 PM

The Library is hosting Photo Scanning Days in collaboration with the Bethany Historical Society to collect images for the upcoming “A Historical Walk Through Bethany” exhibit! Bethany residents are invited bring in photos that show everyday life in Bethany through the past decades. Members of the Historical Society in the downstairs Community Room will scan the photos to create digital copies for the exhibit and return the originals.

Photos can also be dropped off at the Library during our hours of operation, at the Town Clerk’s office, or at a Bethany Historical Society event; please bring them in an enclosed envelope labeled with your name and contact information so that they can be returned to you once they have been scanned.

For more information, contact Linda Wooster
at or 203-393-1832.

November is both National Novel Writing Month (also known as NaNoWriMo) and National Memoir Writing Month. In honor of these celebrations of creative and nonfiction writing, we’ve filled our displays with books about the writing process, authorship, and storytelling in general, as well as the tales of people both real and fictional who either write themselves or are involved in the publishing industry. Learn about a favorite author or discover a new one when you stop by the Library this month!