April 28, 2021 – 7:00 PM – View a recording of this event here.
Eric Larson, Coordinator of the Master Gardener Program for New Haven County
Join Eric for a talk and discussion “Gardening Made Easier, Gardening for Nature”, touching on some tactics that might help in gardening efforts, especially those of us who are aging in an anomaly in the time-space continuum that makes us feel older than we really are. And we will talk about native plants, pollinators and the greater good.
October 10, 2020 – Pollinator Walk
The Pollinator Committee will conduct a walk on Saturday October 10, at 10 am on the Bethany Land Trust field on Bethway Rd. at the curve before it becomes Carrington Rd. This will be led by Nancy Seaton, a Bethany native and landscape architect, who will be instrumental in planning a Pollinator Garden in Bethany!
Please join us. Wear a mask and registration would be appreciated.
September 12, 2020 – Survey of Veterans Park
Amateur naturalist Polly Buckley will be surveying Veterans Park for pollinator plants on Saturday morning, September 12 (rain date September 19) at 10AM and welcomes interested Bethany residents. Given the need for social distancing, we will limit to 10 people.
Please email bethanypollinators@gmail.com to sign up. Masks will be required.