Arts@Clark! Exhibit – August 2023

All Together Now!

The Fourth Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit’s theme of All Together Now! is a celebration of the opportunities created by the arts for the members of Bethany’s local community to connect and support one another. A wide variety of artwork was featured – including paintings and drawings, sculptures in various mediums, quilts and other needlecrafts, and site-specific installations – accompanied by live music, snacks provided by the Friends of the Library, and activities for young (and young at heart) visitors.

Exhibit Flyer Available Here

This exhibit was curated by Library Director Gayle Bogel and Arts@Clark! co-chairs and local artists Liz Scott and James Vanderberg. Twenty-two artists from Bethany and the surrounding towns participated.

Featured Artists:

ArtistContact Information
Carole Abbate /
Kimberly Ahrens
Maureen Baldino / Instagram @More.Than.Just.Rocks
Lucy DiMeo
Wendy Frieden
Hugo Hawes
Grace Kenney
Candace Klein
Carol Lambiase
Sheila M. Lane
Robin McCahill
Bonnie McCutchan
Ellie Miller
Sharon Rowley Morgio /
Eva Mugno
Elizabeth Orsini
Elizabeth Scott
Roberta Scott /
Rosemary Serfilippi
Roberta Solimene
Janice St. Hilaire
James Vanderberg /