Bethany Library Association
Clark Memorial Library
Gifts and Donations Policy
Clark Memorial Library gratefully accepts all gifts, donations, endowments, and bequests which are appropriate to its mission and goals. The Bethany Library Association Board has adopted the following guidelines regarding mission-appropriate gifts.
Guidelines for Acceptance of Gifts:
1) Gifts will be evaluated by the Library Director for their suitability for inclusion in the permanent collection or if they might serve the Library in some other manner.
2) Any restrictions on gifts, whether donations of monies, books, periodicals, audio-visual materials, art work, technology or mechanical items, must be submitted in writing and approved by the Library Board.
3) The Library will not appraise or estimate the value of gift donations for tax purposes. The responsibility of such assessment lies with the owner.
4) The Library Director will be authorized to request the donor to sign a waiver form relinquishing ownership.
Types of Gifts
Books and other materials:
- The Library welcomes gifts of books and other materials. The Library is not able to return donated items; nor can the Library accept any item unless it is an outright gift.
- Items will be added to the collection in accordance with the selection policy of the Library. Materials will be reviewed using the same criteria as materials that are purchased.
- Materials that are accepted become the sole property of Clark Memorial Library and will be utilized at the discretion of the Library Director, including addition to the collection, withdrawal from the collection, sale or disposal.
- Those materials that are added to the collection will be classified and shelved according to standard procedures. The Library reserves the right to decide when a gift added to the collection will be withdrawn.
- Materials not needed, but in good condition and still of value, may be offered to another organization or given to the Friends of the Library for its book sales.
Monetary Gifts:
- As a general rule, unrestricted monetary gifts will be deposited in the Library Annual Fund. Exceptions will be approved by the Library Board.
- Stocks or bonds and insurance policies will be accepted at the discretion of the Library Board.
- Endowments will be accepted and will be utilized at the discretion of the Library Board.
- Bequests will be accepted and will be utilized at the discretion of the Library Board and in accordance with any other relevant Library Board Policies related thereto.
Other Gifts:
- Personal property, art objects, including wall art, antiques, and collectibles, may be accepted at the discretion of the Library Director, with the approval of the Library Board, with the understanding that they may be sold, given away, or otherwise disposed of. Any proceeds derived from such disposal may be used by the Library in accordance with Library policies.
- Technology or mechanical items may be accepted with the approval of the Library Director and Board, if in keeping with the needs, goals, and objectives of the Library.
- Real property can only be accepted with consent of the majority of the Library Board.
Approved by Bethany Library Association 4/27/2021.