Arts@Clark! and Clark Memorial Library invite you to join us on
Sunday, July 28th for our 5th Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit!
New this year: we are inviting artists who are interested, to explore a “plein air” experience in the tradition of our famous Connecticut art colonies. Display your art, and if you wish, demonstrate your process and engage receptive audiences from the Bethany community. Enjoy sharing your passion and having conversations that engage and support local arts. This event is our gift to the community and is free to all participants – artists, would-be artists, and those who are simply looking to enjoy, renew and refresh on a beautiful summer afternoon.
Artists working in all mediums are encouraged to apply, regardless of whether or not you paint “en plein air”. Artists can exhibit drawing, painting, mixed media, pottery, sculpture, fiber arts, quilting, installations and more!
Artist set-up is from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. The exhibit is open to the public from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. De-installation begins promptly at 5:00 PM.
Application forms, instructions, and exhibit information are available on the Arts@Clark! page of the Library website, which is linked under the Community tab.
For more information, call the Library at (203) 393-2103.
Applications should be sent to artsatclark@gmail.com;
application deadline is Saturday, June 15.