The staff of Clark Memorial Library wishes all of our patrons a safe and happy Halloween night, whether you’re planning to celebrate today or already got your trick-or-treating in over the weekend!
The staff of Clark Memorial Library wishes all of our patrons a safe and happy Halloween night, whether you’re planning to celebrate today or already got your trick-or-treating in over the weekend!
Clark Memorial Library and the Arts@Clark! Arts in the Library Committee’s 4th Annual Outdoor Art Exhibit in August was a huge success! We’ve put together a video to commemorate the event, which you can view on the Library’s website or on our YouTube channel. Thank you once again to all the artists who took part, the organizers and staff who helped plan and run the Exhibit, and especially to everyone who attended!
It’s the spookiest month of the year!
Check out our themed book displays, which are now packed with stories starring goblins, ghosts, and ghouls – and of course, plenty of Halloween tales for all ages.
The amazing results of the All Together Now! House-Building Project are now available in the Children’s Room as a physical book! Ask at the check-out desk and you can browse through it to see individual pictures of every house created for the project, as well as shots that show them off as part of the model town of Clarkville!
There’s a new storywalk to check out at Clark Memorial Library! In celebration of fall, we are featuring six poems about some of the best things about the season, from watching the leaves change color and drift to the ground… to jumping into a big pile of them!